These are some style tips that I’ve picked up along the way. Not only you are going to look more stylish also they’re going to make your clothes last longer.
Let’s start
1. Never hang your sweaters.
If you put them on a hanger it adds little bumps on the shoulders which just ruins your garnet. The best way to go is always fold your sweaters and stack them.
2. The ninja fold.
Fold your t-shirts or sweaters using this method, it’s super fast and easy.
3. Tailoring your clothes.
When you buy something new, make sure you wash it at least twice before taking it to the tailor, because this is going to shrink to it’s final stage and make sure the tailoring , that your tailor does, is actually proportionate to your body.
4. Wait 5 minutes after ironing.
Never put on a garnet as soon as you’re done ironing it. A lot of times when you’re done ironing it, the shirt looks super crisp and you throw it on immediately, what happens is instantly creases. If you want to keep that shirt as sharp as possible let it sit there for five minutes, go and do your hair or something. It’s going to last longer being wrinkled free.
5. Outfit makeover
It’s all about making an outfit that’s boring more stylish and you do that with accessories.If you’re wearing an outfit and you think it’s a little bit blend and you want to pick up your style game, as a result wear a watch or a bracelet . It will complete your overall look and make you more stylish.
6 Dress with purpose
Everyday, not just on Monday or Tuesday. Every time you go out pay attention to what you wear. How many time have you been in a situation when ” I’m going to throw this on and run to get a cup of coffee or to get groceries. And then you meet someone and you still wearing you pijamas, with no underwear on. Awkward right?
I’ not going to talk which style is better street wear, dapper or what to wear. Instead just pay attention
make sure it’s clean, not wrinkled and in good conditions.
You can’t just walk up to a girl and say “I normally look better than this” by the way we’ve all done this, right?
I understand that you can’t always plan when and where we are going to meet new people, that’s why your outfit has to be on point all the time.